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The only thing better than free pussy is free pussy in my money!

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Many people have heard the phrase “the only thing better than free pussy is free pussy in my money,” but what does it mean? The term is often used to suggest that having money is better than getting something for free such as a sexual encounter. It implies that money provides a greater level of satisfaction that simply getting something for free.

However, depending on how the phrase is used, it can also have a cynical meaning. It can suggest that money can buy pleasure, and as such, having money is more important than getting something for free. It can also be seen as a way of highlighting how people will go to great lengths to maintain a certain wealth status.

Regardless of how the phrase is interpreted, it has become a popular and often humorous aphorism. It has been assigned to many popular culture and entertainment references, from rap songs to the TV show ‘South Park.’

At its core, the phrase “the only thing better than free pussy is free pussy in my money” is an expression of the idea that money can buy pleasure. It can be seen as a way to highlight how people will go to great lengths to maintain a certain level of wealth, as well as a means to poke fun at the lengths that people will go to in order to obtain monetary gains. #pleasure #money #wealth #humor #aphorism #free
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